Ignite Marching 2019 Photos

Thank you for booking your photo session with us.

Here you can view and purchase your group and portrait photos. Note there are two link below. One for the group photos and one for the portraits. You can go from one to the other and it will add to the same shopping cart. All order will be delivered to the club. (The checkout will ask for your shipping details but you are not charged for this)

Once in the gallery to view photos bigger, click on the image but not on the shopping cart logo area. To order photos, click on the shopping cart logo.

Group Photos: schools.shot360.co.nz/igniteteamphotos19
Password for this gallery: 887B9D

Portrait Photos: schools.shot360.co.nz/igniteportraits19
Password for this gallery: 5F3898

Please check your email for confirmation of order

If for some reason you don’t see the email, first check your spam and if it’s not there please contact Jeremy: jeremy@shot360.co.nz


Contact Shot360 Photography

14 + 2 =